Rock your
Art & Design school admission
Use your portfolio as the ultimate unfair advantage over other applicants
More than 70% of all Art & Design school applicants get rejected. Do you want to avoid being one of them?
This program is perfect for you if you are...
Applying for an Art & Design school, but don’t know where to start
What is expected of me? What should I prepare? How do I know if I'm well prepared?
Confused by the Art & Design school application process
How do the admission board judge me? What will they ask during my interview? Is it a similar presentation as we learned in high school or is it different?
Trying to figure out if Art & Design school is the right fit for you
What is it like to study Art & Design? What is it all about? How do I know if I really like it?
I get it.
The application process is stressful.
So many unknowns surrounding Art & design school application… and not much time to figure things out.
Will my portfolio be good enough?
Where do I start and how will I display my work?
Who to talk to for advice?
How do I know for sure if I want to go to an Art & Design school? Or if I’m even a fit?
What questions to expect during admission?
How to stand out in front of all those other applicants?
What kind of Art do you want to focus on, photography, interior, fashion, product, graphic??
There are so many choices..

Over the years, so many people have asked me about the secrets to a successful Art & Design school admission. That’s why I decided to collect all my knowledge and expertise and create this online course, designed especially for you.
I also interviewed more than 100 Art & Design graduates and professionals in the fields of Fashion, Interior, Product design, Photography, Fine art and more. Enhancing this online course even further and creating a complete step-by-step program for you to follow so you will nail your Art & Design school admission.
Exclusive 1-on-1 Coaching Program
The Coaching Program consists of 2 parts.
The first part is the Creative phase. Here we focus on the basics, find the right program and start working on your portfolio projects. We have 3 x 1-hour coaching calls and besides I will give you fun exercises you can create in your own time.
The second part is the Pre-Admission phase. This is the phase that will only take place 3 to 6 months before the actual application deadline. So for some of you it’s going to be far off, for some of you it’s going to be closer by. So the start of the Pre-Admission phase will be different for everyone. So you can plan these 3 x 1-hour coaching calls whenever you want. Here we work together on finishing your portfolio, preparing for your interview where you will have to talk about your work and yourself.

My name is Sophie van Os, and I'm here to help you nail your Art & Design school admission.
I was in the exact same spot you are now, when I was in high school and had to go through the tedious process of uncovering all of these unknowns by myself. Over the years, I have helped hundreds of people just like you to increase their odds of getting accepted to the Art & Design school of their dreams.

How much time should I reserve on a weekly base?Well, this really all depends on you and how much time you want to invest in your own creative enlightment. Having said that, if you dedicate, say half a day every week for a period of 3 months, you will sail right through.
Do I need to buy any kind of materials for this program?You will need a few of the basic arts and crafts stuff so that you can properly complete the assignments. You'll be able to re-use these, once you get to the college or university of your dreams. We will provide a list as soon as possible.
Do I need to be a native English speaker to follow this program?Of course not, I am not either. The course itself is in English. But to make sure you all understand well, there are added English subtitles. To make it even better, we have translated the subtitles in all of the different languages you can think of. Is your native language not yet available? Send us a message, and we'll get right on it :)
I'm not looking at applying to an Art & Design school, can I still participate?Sure, why not? So the entire program is built to get you inspired and geared up with a kick-ass portfolio for your application. But you can also just build a porfolio and get your creativity stimulated using our online course. I would maybe skip some of the courses at the end of chapter 3 where we talk about the application process and writing the application essay. But hey, even then, why not give that a shot too!